Sunday, January 2, 2011

Dude, Look At This Wacky Conservative Wish List!

This from the Daily Pundit ........notice how more insane the predictions get as you go down the list. I swear, the more horrific the bigger hard on these people get. Like I have said, they truly do want the "end times".

1. Hillary will leave the Obama administration.
2. Attorney General Eric Holder will leave the Obama administration.
3. Germany will pull out of the Euro.
4. The Yen will collapse.
5. Sarah Palin will begin her run for the White House.
6. Mitt Romney will not.
7. Nor will Mike Huckabee.
8. The housing market will collapse again, and take several major financial institutions down with it this time.
9. California will experience what would be called “sovereign default” if it were an independent nation.
10. There will be an effort to recall Jerry Brown - from the left!
11. Major rioting will hit Los Angeles as the city, county, and state drastically scale back welfare programs at every level.
12. Mike Bloomberg will begin a run for the White House. Within three months he will end it.
13. The Supreme Court will strike down the individual mandate requirement of Obamacare after taking up the case on an expedited review basis, at the request of all sides.
14. The City and County of San Francisco will file for bankruptcy.
15. Gold will break $2000 an ounce.
16. There will be a successful “Black Swan” (who could possibly have imagined?) terrorist attack on the American heartland. The Obama administration will attempt to impose draconian new security measures. These will be rejected by Congress.
17. Obama’s personal popularity will sink below 40%. His job approval ratings will sink below 30%.
18. At some point, the House of Representatives’ approval ratings will be higher than President Obama’s.
19. Iran’s President Ahmajihadi will be assassinated.
20. North Korea’s current iteration of Dumb Leader will be replaced, not by his son, but by a military junta. Tensions in that part of the world will cool.
21. Militant Islamic terrorists will set off a nuke - in Russia.

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